
Showing posts from May, 2017

Revised Jesus Dinner Party #1

Jesus Dinner Party #1 – Leader Guide Welcome I’m glad we are able to be together tonight. Luke 7:34 says Jesus enjoyed eating and drinking with people so much that some thought he was a glutton and drunkard. It is in that   spirit we gather for this meal, not to be gluttons and drunkards, but to celebrate life together as Jesus did both with those he knew well and with those he had barely met. Before we begin our meal, let’s give thanks: For food in a world where many walk in hunger; For faith in a world where many walk in fear; For friends in a world where many walk alone; For all these things we give you thanks. Amen. Icebreaker As we share this meal, we want to share something of ourselves as well. We invite you tonight to describe the place where you lived when you were six years old and who lived there with you. If for any reason you would rather not share when your turn comes, simply say, “I’ll pass.” Let me begin. Love Begins with God The first chap...